Kriya Yoga Initiation

Complete training in this Kriya Yoga occurs in successive initiations which provide insight into the knowledge and wisdom of the Yoga Siddhas. While first and second initiation are complementary and no minimum time between initiations is required, for third and final initiation at least one year of continuous practice of the Kriyas learned is required.

First initiation

The First Initiation gives you a rich set of authentic Kriya Yoga techniques for a integral yoga practice in the context of your modern daily life:

  • Kriya Kundalini Pranayama is a system in six phases, a powerful breathing practice of inner alchemy
  • Dhyana Kriya includes seven meditation techniques to train the mind, consciousness, the power of manifestation and to experience inner peace
  • 18 asanas for health and relaxation of the body
  • Babaji’s mantra for alignment with inner guidance and short initiation ceremony with puja

Second initiation

With the Second Initiation you integrate the central techniques of Kriya Yoga. You will refine further experiential qualities through the practice of meditative silence, mantra initiation and mantra yagna. The student will also experience the mysticism and joy of living our ordinary daily lives through yoga. You will begin to dissolve internal and external obstacles.

Third initiation

Third Initiation prepares you for an advanced practice of Kriya Yoga through the 144 Kriyas of Babaji’s Kriya Yoga tradition. It allows you to experience the richness of Kriya Yoga in the context of modern life. The 3rd level techniques will deepe the awakening of consciousness into unconditioned reality. Read More

In Babaji’s Kriya Yoga, you do not need a human being to awaken, control, or test a student. Also, when you practice the techniques with sincerity you do not need a human guru.

The sincere practitioner does not need a human guru to confront or break you “ego” or create situations to enforce karmic payback. Your life situations are quite adequate for that. You will release your karma more quickly with more practice of the Kriya techniques.
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